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Join the festivities

Welcome to the homepage for Script Shuffle's 10 Minute Play Festival 2024! 

Here you will find information about submitting for writing, directing, and performing and everything else you'll need to get involved with our festival. 

Get Involved

Direct a Play

This festival is a great opportunity to be a part of something big with little commitment. As a director you will be assigned a 10 minute play for you to cast, direct and rehearse. Showcase your talent, have fun, and network along the way!

Write a Play

Challenge yourself by limiting your work to 10 pages! Write a 10 minute play and see your work come to life on stage after careful crafting by a director and talented actors! This is a great way to showcase your writing and connect with people who can produce your work.

Act in a Play

Performing in a 10 minute play is a great opportunity to dip your toe into the local scene with little commitment. Showcase your talent, and network with other creatives!


Volunteering can be as involved as you'd like it to be! From ushering to assisting directors; there's a lot of options! Get in touch with us and let us know your level of commitment and your areas of interest.

ShuffleFest is a fun chance to be creative and collaborate artistically in theatre.

Try playwrighting, take a chance putting your director hat on, or act on stage.

Our theme for this ShuffleFest is 

‘The Games We Play’ 

Humans use games as a form of escape, joy and connection. It creates community, and tradition. In games there are usually winners and losers; they can bring a toxic side out of people. Whether consciously, or unconsciously; in life, we are playing games. Trying to be the one with the most power, trying not to be hurt, trying to hide, or trying to bring joy in a brutal world. As a writer, it is your chance to create something that captures a game. It can have a game that is showcased, it can show someone who treats something like a game, or it can just have winners and losers.

Once all the plays are chosen for our festival, we will shuffle all the scripts that were given and randomly give each director a different play that they will cast using their circle of actors, or the actors who submit to be apart of this festival. It is your chance to create something that captures a game.

Submission bundles

Below you will find packets with all the information you will need to submit in order to register as a writer or director with the festival.

Download Writers bundle

Download Directors bundle

Submitting as an actor or volunteer? Just submit through the form and attach any relevant files such as resumes etc. 


Upload File

More information to come!

Stay tuned for information about plays, tickets and other fun things.

Upcoming Events

No upcoming events at the moment
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